The Lord of the Rings films - revisited
So I saw them all when they came out at the cinema and was pretty vocal in not liking them. Indeed, I may have been the very first person to point out that they were over-long, turgidly brown, and full of latent homo-eroticism. My main issue was that they were boring, full of lame humour, and had some terrible performances (especially from Legolas and Gimli).
BUT last week I watched Fellowship again on DVD (the extended one), and I dunno what it was, but I was much more accommodating. It didn't feel quite as boring, in fact, I quite liked the fact it was lesiurely and involving. The details, the craft, the world they've built is really impressive, there's not a thing that looks out of place. The fight scenes are well done, and in the extended cut I think you got more of Aragorn and Boromir sizing each other up, which is really the central conflict of the film. I was still annoyed by some of the actors, but less so. All in all, good work. I might go see the Hobbit.
What are your thoughts on LOTR? Have you re-appraised any films recently and been pleasantly surprised?