Do you ever become obsessed with a movie
and you just watch and watch that shit, lapping up it's greatness?
Well, that movie at the moment for me is Drive.
Honestly, I have seen it probably 18 times already. Got a load of new movies lined up for tonight. What am I gonna watch...Drive!
Love this movie. Everything about it kills me.
My poor friend came round the other night and I asked him what he thought of it. He thought it was OK. BIG MISTAKE! I went into a 20 minute monologue highlighting the films brilliance. Fair play to him, he sat patiently and digested the lot, without interrupting me once. Next week he text me to say thanks, as he had seen shit that he had missed the first time.
Now...this isn't a thread about whether Drive is good or not, more about really feeling and immersing yourself in a movie.
Hopefully I'm not the only weirdo out there.
Finally, Glengarry Glenross is my all time go-to film. I love it when I introduce this film to friends. not so much when they not feeling the love as much as me - but that's my issue.
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