Friday Banal - what is your fridge situation?
not sure this is banal, actually.
when I say situation...I mean what bits go where? if you're one of those people who chuck shit in randomly...this ain't for you.
my fridge -
top shelf - pickles, sauces, mustards...mostly all out of date. especially the ones at the back. this shelf is absolutely full to the brim. no room at the inn.
second top - dairy shit. eggs, fresh pasta etc
next one - meats - snags, hams, salamis. also jarred items like olives. seems like meat and jars go together, dunno why
bottom - veg, spuds etc. yep, I keep spuds in the fridge...big deal. also, bottled beers (usually around 3-4 different varieties)
door - milk, yoghurt things, cream and around 10 tins of soda/tonic water (the tiddlers) also puree (maybe 3 yrs old) and a couple very, very old garlic cloves. the bit that holds the milk in the door needs a serious clean, just as an aside. LOADS of milk dust build up.
wanna chat and share?