Anyone ever had to pay massive fees whilst at university?
<insert joke about tuition fees> - not tuition fees, like.
as i go on about too much, I'm supposed to be going to ukraine for a year abroad. but due to some massive cock-up I went there and came home due to student visa issues.
which i'm sorting out now in the most tediously bureaucratic phase of my life.
basically all the visa stuff will come to the cost of about £600. Apparently UCL doesn't have any kind of scheme for reimbursement etc.
Anyone have any experience of the student loans company reimbursing or paying for these kinds of fees? They're going to reimburse my (cheap) flights, so I guess that's sorta the same kind of thing.
I suppose you could argue that these fees are what student loan are for. but I don't want to pay £600, pretty much.