Bakers- Christmas cake PSA
The other thread has reminded me, I'm making my Christmas cakes this weekend. (assuming I don't end up having a stoater of a weekend and forgetting.)
My friend's ex mother in law has this amazing recipe, which I always use-
225g plain flour
¼ teaspoon salt
1 x 5ml spoon ground mixed spice
200g butter
200g dark brown sugar
2 x 15ml spoons black treacle (I am liberal with my treacle)
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
4 eggs lightly beaten
800g mixed dried fruit (I soak the fruit for at least a week in brandy)
100g chopped mixed peel
150 g glace cherries halved
100 g blanched almonds chopped
3 x 15ml spoons brandy
Cooking time 3-4 hours
Oven 150C, 300F, Gas Mark 2
Grease 20cm 8” round or an 18cm 7” square cake tine and line the base and sides with double layer of greaseproof paper. A band of brown paper (I use corrugated cardboard) also tied around the outside of the tin.
Sieve together the floor, salt and mixed spice. Cream the butter, sugar, treacle and vanilla essence together until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, a little at a time, adding a tablespoon of the floor with the last amount. Fold in the remaining flour, then all the fruit and almonds. Turn into the prepared cake tin and make a slight hollow in the centre. Bake in a cool oven for 3-4 hours, testing after 3 hours by inserting a skewer into the centre; when it comes out clean the cake is cooked. Remove from oven and leave in tin until cold. Make a few holes in the top of the cake with a skewer and pour brandy over the cake while it is still warm. Wrap cake in greaseproof paper and store. Prick and feed once a week with a drizzle of brandy (or other liquos- I sometimes use amaretto or sherry).