Would you like some quiz questions
1) What do you call a castrated male horse?
2) What is the third letter of the Greek alphabet?
3) Which christian name means 'manly' in ancient greek?
4) Name a year in the life of Guy Fawkes
5) Which Simpson's character is also the middle name of Richard Nixon?
6) In which country did the Diesel clothing brand originate?
7) What is the only anagram of the word GIFTED?
8) Solve these cryptic film titles
- Bleached by the rules
- The temperature terrorist attack
- The Yankee howler in the capital
9) Which brand logo is this?
(answer in original URL)
10) What is the main physical difference between monkeys and apes?
11) Which room in the game cluedo comes first alphabetically?
12) What kind of milk is used a lot in Thai cooking?
13) Which team was on the receiving end of the biggest ever Premier League defeat?
14) Name the actor/actress who links these three films:
- Interview with a Vampire
- Shrek 2
- Philadelphia
15) Who is this historical figure?
16) Which was the first independent credit card company in the world?
17) Solve this ditloid - 9 m in a h g p
18) What does a vexillophile collect?
19) Which Beatles song has been covered the most times by other artists?
20) Which film has been Will Smith's highest grossing?
21) Provide an example of an ordinal number.
Off to lunch now, will laugh at your answers late.