Best and worst/most disappointing gigs/sets
What are the best and worst or most disappointing gigs you've been to or sets you've seen?
I'd say for me personally:
Best - Daft Punk's headlining set at Wireless Festival a few years back. Fucking incredible and the atmosphere was electric.
Worst - I've been to a lot of bad shows, what with being a freelancer music reviewer n all, but the most recent was Azari & III at the 100 Club. Didn't really know who they were, but their BBC Essential Mix was quite good so had expectations. They were shite - need to get rid of the dancers with the big trousers and sunglasses and add some live percussion IMO.
Disappointing - Saw Passion Pit a couple of years back at Reading Festival after bumming Manners for months on end. Lead singer can't sing live for shit :(