having a really depressingly shit job
so its friday and i should be all YEAH WEEKEND but i'm properly dreading going back to work next week. had some temp office jobs and a well paid tutoring job which was a bit shit but at least the money was goodd, but those have finished ánd now í've started a new job because i really need the money, a minimum wage job in retail that i never want to return to again, but have to because i really need the money.
half the staff are 16 and are all omg what you're 24 when they ask my age, and i've never felt old old but now i feel like a fucking grandma and even though some people are in their early 20s, apart from one guy who's 27 i'm the oldest and the managers (well 2/3 of them) have been so disdainful and genuinely unkind, taking obvious digs at my age and other stuff. also, unfortunately i cry really easily, and i went off after one of them had a go at me and he noticed me in the corner trying hard (and failing) not to cry and called me out on it and everyone was staring and the woman was shaking her head and it was the worst. and because i need to keep the job for now i didn't say anything, could have easily (and i'm not at all violent normally) beat the shit out of the pair of them and walked out
but yeahh am i being a whiny bastard and is this actually the realities of the working world, people like that everywhere. i just want to quit but i can't, and it's only been a week but it's made me hate life already