Thursday Gaming Thread
'Why do they insist on making us wear these ridiculous ties?'
Been enjoying Black Mesa this week! Amazed at how much of the original Half Life I actually remember, considering it was over 10 years ago. Liking the added touches to the game such as extra dialogue from scientists and chuckle brother mugs in the security station. The voice acting for the soldiers is a bit too camp though..
Tempted to get Borderlands 2, looks dead fun from the reviews and footage I've seen.
Also with the new football season - Pro Evo vs FIFA yet again! I've not bothered with either for a while, but feel I might get one of them this year..
PES is getting good reviews, saying it plays much better than previous 'next gen' versions. It's taken them long enough.
FIFA not seen any reviews of yet, but I imagine it'll be slick with all the licences n that.
PES is getting the nod at the moment, it always seemed more chaotic to me, more stupid own goals, keeping errors, bad likenesses. And with the editing features being able to create a team with a horrifically coloured shirt who play at the Armitage Shanks MegaBowl is just too tempting..