A 'what would you do in this situation' thread
Hello again,
I was on my way home last night and was approaching a shop I was going to in in order to buy some necessities. Anyway, I'm about five paces frmo the shop and a guy is walking past it, accompanied by a lady friend. He stoops down, picks up a lemon from one of the boxes outside, and just swans off as if nothing's happened.
Now, notwithstanding the rather odd choice of fruit to nick, it was quite flabbergasting. The couple just walked on and kept chatting as if nothing had happened. I was pretty shocked by it. I went in to the shop and gestured in a manner which suggested 'dude, wtf that guy's just nicked yer lemon'. And he just shrugged and went: "Yeah, what am I gonna do? Chase him for a lemon?"
It was like this practice was just accepted. A damning indictment of society, I think you would agree.
Anyway, what would you have done if you had been in my shoes?
a) Remonstrate with the thief in teh street.
b) Smashed his face in.
c) Get a different pair of shoes as mine wouldn't fit you probably
d) Same as
e) Nothing
f) other (please elaborate)