Do we learn as much history about the UK as we should?
I don't know if it's just me but at school we covered the romans, victorians, 1066 and all that. Then when it got to GCSE we jumped to The World Wars. At A levels we did British politics interwar, Stalinism, American Civil Rights and something else that somehow escapes me.
However, between the tudors and the victorians there seemed to be this big 300-year gap that was barely taught. We touched on the Civil War a bit, but it seems like we should really be taught more about it than than we are. I mean, I can't really tell you much about it and I feel like I should be. The one thing I know is that the Earl of Derby had a pint in the Man and Scythe Pub in Bolton before he was hanged, but that's not from school that's just a plaque in a pub.
I was just wondering this as my flatmate who's austrian was taught a lot about continental europe, how Germany formed and all of that. Whereas for me it feels we didn't really cover anything in detail about the Georgians or Stuarts.
What say ye?