got a bit of a crappy social situation coming up in a bit
yeah...i've run out of hair product. so, i've got to go to a hairdressers to pick some up.
here comes the pain - I have been getting my hair done by some girl for years. don't even need to talk to her...she just cuts.
anyway, she was being a dick a few weeks back, so I said 'fuck it, gonna find somewhere else' like a big baby. i did, and this other place introduced me to this cool product. not too greasy, good hold etc. they cut my hair, but it was a poor job, so I skulked back to the other girl, tail between legs.
so anyway, gotta go to this new place to pick up product. it's pretty evident that i've had my hair cut in the interim. thery're gonna be pissed, no? most awkward transaction EVER
does this make sense?
let me know