A QUIZ, of sorts... S2V2
wonton was the winner in game one with an impressive 12 top answers out of 15 and a total of 661 points. The only person to get as many top answers was NoahVale who provided the biggest moment of drama of the game, seemingly galloping their way to victory before blowing it all with a lousy answer in the final question. They'll be looking for a way back this week. Reputable quizzers including sharp_yet_blunt, thewza and tomnick finished in the BSP and will be hoping for a marked improvement this time.
How to play:
PM me with a request for the questions, and I will send you them. You then PM me back your answers. All you have to do is guess what the most popular answer to all the questions will be. You get the same number of points per question as the total number of people who gave the same answer as you. For example if the question is "a comic book character" and 69 people including you said "Batman" you would get 69 points.
You should format the PM with your answers as follows:
Answer one
Answer two
Answer three
There should be no numbers (also DO NOT write "answer one", "answer two" etc next to your answers), and PLEASE DO NOT include the questions with your answers. All I basically want is your answers (concisely put), nothing else. Also REMEMBER TO ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS (there should be 15, count them before you send them in)!
If a question has a possible answer followed by = 0 in brackets, that means that regardless of the number of people who gave that answer you would be awarded 0 points if you gave it. Basically, do not give that answer!
ALSO, DO NOT DISCUSS THE QUESTIONS OR YOUR ANSWERS! DOING SO MAY RESULT IN BEING BANNED FROM THE QUIZ. AND GOOGLING/LOOKING THINGS UP IS NORMALLY CONSIDERED CHEATING. There were some complaints about this, and while I don't want to change game drastically from last season I just think it spoils it if you google, especially when there might be a question or two that require extra thought. And almost no one googled last season according to that survey sharp_yet_blunt did...
If you want an example this is the last quiz:
The answers will be revealed on Wednesday the 12th of September at 2pm.