Monday morning thread of the morning.
I'm in work early. Got stuff I had to do on Friday but didn't because i was too busy coughing/laughing at the light saber thread.
Weekend was great. Got a tad drunk on Friday at a friend's birthday. Saturday I played badminton and nearly passed out afterwards - 2 hours of singles + shuttle runs at the end = +o( for me. Still, will pay off down the line. Sunday was spent attempted to do work before I gave up and went and watched FOUR and a bit films. They were: the end of Charlie's Angels; Hairspray; Drive; Liar Liar (most of the jokes went over my head as a kid it seems) and Interview with a Vampire.
In my latest harebrained plan for doing stupid stuff I've decided I really, REALLY want a crack at this sometime before a pensionable age:
Tonight is quiz night. Going for an unprecedented four wins in a row. Will we do it? Does anyone care? I, for one, can't wait.
Now u