A twenty year old photograph of me has gone viral
The other day I was on Twitter and someone posted a picture. This picture was of a boy drawing on a dog. That boy was me, about twenty years ago.
The dog was called Lola, my grandparents' English bull terrier. She was the softest dog I have ever met, as demonstrated by the photo. The pens were washable, the dog was white, it made perfect sense. Needless to say the dog needed a bath afterwards which she was less than pleased about. My sister found the picture a few months ago and posted it on Facebook. It was my profile picture for a while. I don't know about my sister's settings, but my profile pictures are public. I don't think any of my others are.
Anyway, I contacted the person who tweeted it. He said he had found it on stumbleupon. Their source was Odd Stuff Magazine, who I had never heard of before, but it looks like some crappy online magazine where they post those naff lists of faux-inspirational photos of marines hugging their kids with badly sub-edited captions. Here is my picture. I emailed them asking for the source and this was their reply.
Hi ..
it was taken from a russian news agency .. can't disclose the real location .. sorry about that . .
but the pic is great :)
I don't know where to go from here. This is the strangest thing to happen to me in a long time.