Street fighting man
Maybe it's the heat or the rain or the recession or something, but I keep seeing altercations in public at the moment. And I really, really enjoy them.
- a woman was standing RIGHT in front of the tube doors waiting to get on the other day, and this middle-aged business man barged past her, which was entirely fair enough I thought. They then unwittingly recreated some Arnie dialogue, sans 'asshole'. ie 'Fuck you!' *slightly incredulous* 'Fuck YOU!'
- in some light drizzle the other day I saw someone smash an umbrella out of their way. It was basically about to gouge his eye out so again, fair enough, but it was quite a cathartic thing to see. Can't remember the subsequent dialogue, but it was quite cunty fuck.
- Some old dude taking on a group of cyclists in the park. 'There's no cycling in the park!' 'Why don't you phone the police then?' 'Fuck you!' etc etc.
I think I just like seeing strangers swearing at each other.
Fuck you, asshole.