Don't you find it weird
That today is the 1st August 2011. And it WILL NEVER be this date again in the whole history of the universe. That this is the only time in the trillions of years that the universe will exist, that it will be 1st August 2011. It will never be this date again. And that it will never be 2010, 2009 etc etc again.
And my birthday is 8th January 1992. I missed and will never experience 7th January 1992. And I have no idea what I missed out on. Don't you find it weird the fact that no time is ever repeated, that it's a continuing line heading towards the eventual demise of everything? Don't you think that's weird?
And that it when I started writing this it was 2 minutes ago. It will NEVER BE two minutes ago ever again. And I'll never know what I missed out on.
And about people that you've met once, or places that you've been once. How most likely you'll never be there again, and that that person and that place is hurtling towards the same eventual demise as you and everything around you.
Don't you find that weird? Maybe it's just me, I don't know.