Preposterous Scottish words, their legitimacy* and their meaning.
*PickledOeuf seems to come up with a lot of words that are 'Scottish' - the rating is how much I believe they're actually real.
'Smur' - 10/10 - sort of light drizzle.
'Skelf' - 7/10 - splinter.
'Pluke' - 2/10 - spot.
'Mirroculous' - 0/10 - "like miraculous but Scottish"
'Boke' - 8/10 - to be sick. Boked can also mean broken.
'Drich' - 10/10 - overcast
'hoaching' - 6/10 - full
'louping' - 3/10 - sore <- this is a horrible word :(
Give me your favourite scottish words and their meanings. I must learn more.