The official 'ILL' thread- What is your illness?
Hello. This is for the ill people of DIS.
Mentall, physicaly, go ahead. Indulge.
I am really ill. I haven't got a GP so I crawled to the doctors this morning to the visitors GP thing and was sent to A&E. I have a re-occuring problem with my throat. Last time I ended up with quinsy:
I ended up on a drip alone in hospital after they cut out a massive
pus filled abscesses out of my throat with a scalpol. They gave me so much pain relief I didn't recognise my mum when she came to see me.
Anyway, they have given me loads of penicillin and strong paracetamol. So hopefully it will clear. There is talk of them taking my tonsils but I would like to keep them.
Could be worse. I am actually quite happy in my reindeer pjs in bed watching films.
So then, what is your illness?