The dinoMAN topical thread about dinosaurs/reptilians #4
Open the Thread, It's time now for, Reading about the Dino-Saur.
WELL HELLO THERE KIND PEOPLE OF THE INTERWEB (Lol, sorry couldnt help that in-joke) it is time for another look in to the history of the world (i.e. the past), but from the point at which we are all in now (i.e. the present) and also to learn knowledge to allow you to share for later in your life (i.e. the future) so without further a do here is your "bumper" packed topical Dino Thread;
Dino News;
- Scientist/s Dr Gert Hopper and Prof. Yelof Giarc from the University of Atlanta have discovered that dinosaurs DID HAVE tear ducts very much like we modern day humans have now, the discovery was greeted with "Whooops" and "Cheers" and rather ironically Dr. Hopper was seen to be crying in the corner, what man can deny that dinosaurs were infact out closest ancestors now, fingers crossed for the status upgrade on Encarta next year.
- The sale of Jurassic Park (Gigantic Farce) products such as lunchboxes and/or Themed Sweets have been banned in China due to legislation 123.56 revision 3422 which states "No Ploduct can be sord without the collect evidence being put folwald fol the existence of an angly dinosaul" AMEN CHINA AMEN.
- Next years Dino-fair (AKA DINO-MANIA 2k11) has been confirmed as being held in Iceland, the guests included Dr Murray Bean and Amy De'Gallifinto, there will be the usual fossil and bone examinations that we have all grown to love, tickets will go on sale on 15th October priced $45, which includes a branded bum-bag containing stickers and a blow-up Stego, HAIL MARY FOR I SHALL SIN
Dino Facts;
- The T-REX (or should that be TEA-REX) was the first human to enjoy a nice hot cup of tea, he discovered it when a tree he was pruning fell into a geyser, which then exploded into his mouth, the tree he was pruning?....thats right, it was a tea tree, it is also been said this is what gave t-rex (tea-rex) his name, before hand it is said he was just called Rex (disputed fact)
- Finger Nails? Not Exciting? DAMN WRONG MATE, if you look close enough at them you will see they are ACTUALLY claws and yep once again shows you are closer than you think to yopur dinosaur past, I DREAMED A DREAM IN TIME GONE BY...I for one certainly did.
- WATCH OUT ABOVE!!! nah just kidding, the chances of seeing a dinosaur that high up are 1,000,000 to 1....I for one will be saving my "bookie" money on betting when the past humans will emerge from their watery prison, i got 3,000,000,000 to 1 put £1 on, I AM IN THE MONEY I M IN THE MONEY.
Dino Joke (bonus);
What do you call a dinosaur with a cold?
What do you call a dinosaur with spots?
What do you call a dinosaur with a Headache?
Well that is me for the day, going to look out my old copies of Animals of Farthing wood and burn them!!!