...your top 5 WIRE scenes (another thread about the WIRE centric) now my life is without meaning as last weekend we recahed the conclusion of the Wire. Sad times chez Reckoning. In recognition of this i want you to tell me your top 5 scens from the program, to remind of all the good shit that i've forgotten. My 5 is thus:
1. The Avon/Stringer balcony betrayel scene in s3. Nuff said.
2. The Kima getting shot scene in s1.
3. The end of Frank sabotka when the Greeks have just been told of his intentions by their FBI insider in s2.
4. The Avon outsmarting the cops and driving back past them with his window down showing that he's aware of their pursuit scene in s1.
5. The clay davis mega-shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit scene in s5.