Right, so it seems that every other week we get yet another post about how patronising NME is. I'm going to put my hand up and say I don't read it but what I don't get is that if people are so mortally offended about being condescended to by NME then why do they keep reading it???
In terms of alternative music press there so much out there on the web (junkmedia, bbc collective, playlouder...) and in the shops (wire, flux, plan b, and shedloads more) that make a point about treating their readers with respect and intelligence - why don't people just bin their copies of NME and hunt these these out instead?
In terms of alternative music press there so much out there on the web (junkmedia, bbc collective, playlouder...) and in the shops (wire, flux, plan b, and shedloads more) that make a point about treating their readers with respect and intelligence - why don't people just bin their copies of NME and hunt these these out instead?