Whilst on the subject...
My favourite background priate in the original Batman and Robin is the one who wears red and black and when Catwoman walks in dressed as a civilian, keeping a low profile goes:
"AHOY CATWOMAN" to her face in a packed bar. Suffice to say a slap and dressing down he received. Apparently revealing people's true identities in public is a faux pas.......hmmmmm
Plus later on, he gets to drive the nuclear submarine. The same submarine that the US Naval Department sold to a :
"MR P. En. Guin, no forwarding address"
You can't make this stuff up! Absolute genius!! If you haven't seen this film, go get it now!
"AHOY CATWOMAN" to her face in a packed bar. Suffice to say a slap and dressing down he received. Apparently revealing people's true identities in public is a faux pas.......hmmmmm
Plus later on, he gets to drive the nuclear submarine. The same submarine that the US Naval Department sold to a :
"MR P. En. Guin, no forwarding address"
You can't make this stuff up! Absolute genius!! If you haven't seen this film, go get it now!