Hi everyone
Just returned from Italy last night. Had a great time although the weather was far too hot, at least 30 degrees everyday, my ankles and feet couldn't handle all the walking round and I'm sure they were 3 times bigger then normal! Went to St Peters square, the pope was there doing a speech, saw the Vatican, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, the colleseum etc all in 2 days. My feet were so tired the second day we borrowed a wheel chair to go around the Vatican musuem (its about 4 miles long)
The people of Rome were really friendly, we used the metro for 2 days while there and whenever we got on it was usually packed and straight away someone would stand up and give me their seat. (always a woman I must add!) Every restaurant/shop we went into I was always asked how far on was I, was it a bambino/bambina etc. Even strangers walking past would look at my bump and smile. It was really nice.
We then spent 7 days at Marcos holiday home near Naples, where we relaxed a bit by the pool and did some sightseeing at Sorrento and Naples.
Got on the plane yesterday and the flight got delayed for 3 hours cos of a big hole on the runway, arghh, so we to sit for 5 1/2 hours in total when it should have only been 2 1/2, so I was incredibly uncomfortable by the time the plane took off and spent the whole flight fidgeting!
Came back home to rain, but was relieved as the heat had been unbearable. We were sleeping without covers and 2 fans on us over there and it was still too hot to sleep.
We did walk past a couple of internet cafes but didn't even think of going in. Impressive or what!
Just returned from Italy last night. Had a great time although the weather was far too hot, at least 30 degrees everyday, my ankles and feet couldn't handle all the walking round and I'm sure they were 3 times bigger then normal! Went to St Peters square, the pope was there doing a speech, saw the Vatican, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, the colleseum etc all in 2 days. My feet were so tired the second day we borrowed a wheel chair to go around the Vatican musuem (its about 4 miles long)
The people of Rome were really friendly, we used the metro for 2 days while there and whenever we got on it was usually packed and straight away someone would stand up and give me their seat. (always a woman I must add!) Every restaurant/shop we went into I was always asked how far on was I, was it a bambino/bambina etc. Even strangers walking past would look at my bump and smile. It was really nice.
We then spent 7 days at Marcos holiday home near Naples, where we relaxed a bit by the pool and did some sightseeing at Sorrento and Naples.
Got on the plane yesterday and the flight got delayed for 3 hours cos of a big hole on the runway, arghh, so we to sit for 5 1/2 hours in total when it should have only been 2 1/2, so I was incredibly uncomfortable by the time the plane took off and spent the whole flight fidgeting!
Came back home to rain, but was relieved as the heat had been unbearable. We were sleeping without covers and 2 fans on us over there and it was still too hot to sleep.
We did walk past a couple of internet cafes but didn't even think of going in. Impressive or what!