Dissertation help
Hello kids, I'm collecting research for a dissertation I'm writing on the subject of illegal downloading and I would be really grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer the following questionnaire for me? Obviously I shalln't be using names or anything all I need is some statistics (I'm hoping to send this out on p2p networks as well at some point in the future). Thankyou!
1. 16 or under
2. 17-25
3. 26-35
4. 36-45
5. 46-55
6. 55 or above
What genres of music do you like?
1. Pop
2. RnB
3. Rock
4. Alt.Country
5. Indie
6. Punk
7. Classical
8. Opera
9. Other – please state
Of the above options, which genres do you download most frequently?
Are you concerned about possible legal action in response to downloading music?
1. Yes
2. Not really
3. No, not at all
Do you think that the risk of legal action varies with genre? E.g. is it riskier to download, say, the latest RnB hit or a classical masterpiece?
1. Yes
2. Not really
3. No, not at all
Why do you download music illegally?
1. Education
2. Exploration/discovery
3. To save money
4. To make money
5. Other – please specify
Have you ever considered buying music from legitimate sites such as the new Napster?
If not, or if you decided against it, why so?
1. Cost
2. Limitation of choice
3. Restriction on use of purchased files
4. Other – please specify
What would convince/persuade you to move from free downloading to paying for downloads?
1. 16 or under
2. 17-25
3. 26-35
4. 36-45
5. 46-55
6. 55 or above
What genres of music do you like?
1. Pop
2. RnB
3. Rock
4. Alt.Country
5. Indie
6. Punk
7. Classical
8. Opera
9. Other – please state
Of the above options, which genres do you download most frequently?
Are you concerned about possible legal action in response to downloading music?
1. Yes
2. Not really
3. No, not at all
Do you think that the risk of legal action varies with genre? E.g. is it riskier to download, say, the latest RnB hit or a classical masterpiece?
1. Yes
2. Not really
3. No, not at all
Why do you download music illegally?
1. Education
2. Exploration/discovery
3. To save money
4. To make money
5. Other – please specify
Have you ever considered buying music from legitimate sites such as the new Napster?
If not, or if you decided against it, why so?
1. Cost
2. Limitation of choice
3. Restriction on use of purchased files
4. Other – please specify
What would convince/persuade you to move from free downloading to paying for downloads?