More Quotable Movie Quotes
Bad Guy: Oh, so you're like a problem solver?
James Bond: No. More of a problem e-lim-min-na-tor.
*My Favorite Year, drunk Peter O'Toole walks into ladies room*
Old Woman: You can't come in here! It's for ladies.
Alan Swann: This, madam, is for ladies. But occasionally I need to run water through it.
and the classic Robt Duvall in Apocalypse Now
Colonel: I love the smell of napalm in the morning.....smells like victory!
Favorite Movie Lines!
James Bond: No. More of a problem e-lim-min-na-tor.
*My Favorite Year, drunk Peter O'Toole walks into ladies room*
Old Woman: You can't come in here! It's for ladies.
Alan Swann: This, madam, is for ladies. But occasionally I need to run water through it.
and the classic Robt Duvall in Apocalypse Now
Colonel: I love the smell of napalm in the morning.....smells like victory!
Favorite Movie Lines!