I Am Afraid Of Surfing
Not waves. The internet. My buddy was drinking and drugging and decided to check out weird porn on my computer whilst I was out. So you can imagine how much fun it was for me the next day when Dad borrowed the thing to have Lolita Kiddie Porn pop up. Now, Brandon is a freak but not that sorta freak so I believe him when he said it popped outta no where. But I still had to throw the goddamn computer away and buy a new one cos no amount of cleansing could rid it of Lolita pop-ups.
Just now I searched around for some market quotes and instead got nine subscription offers and one free dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.
I go from DiS to Pitchfork back to DiS back to Pitchfork. I did recently try going over to My Space but Boy! does that seem like a lonely hearts club. DiS to PF back to DiS...
Just now I searched around for some market quotes and instead got nine subscription offers and one free dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.
I go from DiS to Pitchfork back to DiS back to Pitchfork. I did recently try going over to My Space but Boy! does that seem like a lonely hearts club. DiS to PF back to DiS...