Blood Drive
I would like to donate a little extra of the red stuff. I've heard, however, that the Red Cross folks are not that keen on taking blood from people with my particular history. I am 99.9% I've no (known!) diseases. I should _________.
a) Be a good chap. Donate.
b) Be upfront. Explain how I was once a low life junkie, how I found salvation thru DiS, and am now perfectly willing and able.
c) Screw those flood victims in Cambodia or where ever. They shouldn't be living so close to the river to begin with.
d) Forget about it. They'd never find a flowing vein anyway. Go get a haircut instead.
a) Be a good chap. Donate.
b) Be upfront. Explain how I was once a low life junkie, how I found salvation thru DiS, and am now perfectly willing and able.
c) Screw those flood victims in Cambodia or where ever. They shouldn't be living so close to the river to begin with.
d) Forget about it. They'd never find a flowing vein anyway. Go get a haircut instead.