Ironic hipster syndrome
I hate it when the 'hipsters' suddenly go all arch and ironic and refuse to acknowledge that something is good, just because it's popular. It annoys me so much when I read reviews in which the author is trying to bend things so that they can praise the band while not seeming to actually like it - because they don't want to be seen to be in step with le masses, because that would be terrible, because they are obviously like ten steps ahead of everyone else at all times. You see these attitudes being formed like "Arcade Fire? Meh. Kylie? Woooo!" - stupid hipster reasoning. Sniffing imperiously at anything that's been around for more than about five minutes and sold more than five copies, regardless of quality, in case they are seen as indie-mainstream... wilful obscurity that distorts actual music criticism, in which the context is everything and the music itself nothing... they just end up liking SHIT MUSIC. It's ridiculous. It's like being terrified to actually like something in case it doesn't sit perfectly with this idea of being ahead of the game.
Maybe I am missing some valid underlying philosophy. But I doubt it.
Maybe I am missing some valid underlying philosophy. But I doubt it.