The awkwardness of wanting to speak to someone at a bus stop because you find them attractive.
There is this girl who waits for the same bus as me, in the morning, every weekday before work.
She is really hot and I wan't to say something to her but I get all nervous.
We stand there everyday within a few foot of each other and we haven't said anything, this causes more and more awkwardness over time.
She seems awkward aswell this doesn't meen she likes me but I hope it does.
Anyway the other day when we were on the bus there was a loud bang, it was like part of the bus broke. I had my earphones in but I heard in anyway. The girl in question looked bemused, then turned around towards me (I was sitting a few rows back), she was then about to open her mouth to say something when she must of realised I was listening to music and promptly turned back towards the front of the bus. I was really frustrated because it would of been an ice breaker.
Then I though I could not listen to music while going to work but she would notice this and wonder why I wasn't.
Today I did at least manage to smile at her and she smiled back, I was a little shy about it but there wasn't a excesive amount of awkwardness. She definitely handled the moment better than I did, as I was the one who turned away.
These situations can be so awkward, anyone have any opinions on how I should go about this?
How well do my fellow DiSers deal with situations such as this?