I hated remembering formulas when I was in school. wishpig impresses me with her knowlege of pi and e and so on. I was a maths major who was shitty at addition and multiplication. I'd spend half my test's time deriving formulas. (That's what the goddamn books are for! I'd complain.) The prof's that let me use a cheat sheet I'd ace. But otherwise....
Were you really a chess champ mr fullerov? Nice. I'd always get my opponent's queen all lined up for execution...when my opponent would mate me king.
Nerds are geeks and then they grow up with all the money and marry the pretty girl. Jocks become probation officers and are generally angry pricks who need to be put down. The cool kids die of hepetitus C in their 40s or start music websites.
I am sometimes a nerd and sometimes cool, but my timing here really needs improvement.
Hip slick and cool...or nerd? Confession is good for the soul. You know the drill.
Were you really a chess champ mr fullerov? Nice. I'd always get my opponent's queen all lined up for execution...when my opponent would mate me king.
Nerds are geeks and then they grow up with all the money and marry the pretty girl. Jocks become probation officers and are generally angry pricks who need to be put down. The cool kids die of hepetitus C in their 40s or start music websites.
I am sometimes a nerd and sometimes cool, but my timing here really needs improvement.
Hip slick and cool...or nerd? Confession is good for the soul. You know the drill.