your DiS neighbours. on your name on a thread (not up at your user area thing, just a normal post link) and you will see your profile number.
2.look who's within a few numbers of you. ones that are at all amusing or interesting
4.gasp at how many one post wonders there are out there. or even 0 posts. why sign up if youre not even going to post?
eg: my nextdoor neighbour to the top:
Username: i_love_F4AF_4eva
over to y'alls...
2.look who's within a few numbers of you. ones that are at all amusing or interesting
4.gasp at how many one post wonders there are out there. or even 0 posts. why sign up if youre not even going to post?
eg: my nextdoor neighbour to the top:
Username: i_love_F4AF_4eva
over to y'alls...