Blur Vs YMSS
or "modern life is rubbish" vs. "Hurrah! Another year, surely this one will be better than the last; the inexorable march of progress will lead us all to happiness".
is the world getting consistently better or consistently worse? does new music breed new avenues of musical discovery or exhaust the maybe limited ideas in the world?
does technology make lovin music easier or does it remove it from its origins (no, not just another "IPODZ R WAKK" thread please) and alienate?
and all that stuff. discussion yes?
and, yeah, i realise that the YMSS album title may be a little ironic.
is the world getting consistently better or consistently worse? does new music breed new avenues of musical discovery or exhaust the maybe limited ideas in the world?
does technology make lovin music easier or does it remove it from its origins (no, not just another "IPODZ R WAKK" thread please) and alienate?
and all that stuff. discussion yes?
and, yeah, i realise that the YMSS album title may be a little ironic.