when your gilrfriend/boyfriend etc gets wasted
on friday lady meths got so drunk she phoned to say "i'm coming to meet you but i dont know where i am". this led to various phone calls and her hanging up, phoning back to have exactly the same conversation. eventually she gets to the tube station, but doesnt even know how to get on the tube! then comes out with, "old street, how do i get there?" - she's been there about 4 hundred million times.
it then took her an hour to go 4 stops on the tube, she has no recollection of how she made it, and i had to go into a hotel to use their pnhone to call her. EVENTUALLY i find her by a bus stop and go mental at her, she cries etc etc.
i told her if she did it again i would dump her (not her first offence by the way). am i being way harsh? i dont mind her getting fucked, but so fucked she cant even walk into a tube station? late at night in her own too, i dont think its very clever to be doing that all the time, its worrying!
am i the worlds biggest bastard?