i've just had the best conversation of 2006
i was in the kitchen, making lunch, and a guy comes in to make his coffee:
me - "hi"
him - (showing me coffee pot, with skull and corss bones tip-exed on the lid) "we've had to go to new lengths to stop people using our coffee pot. and if you spin it round, it...(spins it)...oh. it doesnt do anything"
me - "oh. good"
him - "it reminds me of castle greyskull. did you used to listen to that?"
me - "he-man? i used to WATCH it, yeah"
him - "oh no, i was talking about the ausio books" (!!!!!!!!!!!!)
me - (now scared) "ok"
him - "i dont know why they called it castle greyskull? apparently, it was supposed to keep skeletons out, but if you think it about it, thats where skeletor lives! it doesnt get any more skeletel than him!"
me - (shitting myself) "bye!"