Blairs condemnation of Iran
I was in America for four weeks up till last week. When I was seeing news in restaurants/train stations etc Iran was heavily on the agenda. I saw an 'interview' on CNN I think of a US general and the questions were so heavily loaded, like 'we have done everything we can to ensure peace in Iraq, all the trouble there is completely the fault of Iran and something should be done, do you agree General ?', seriously. Predictably, today Blair has condemned Iran, he must be further down the chain of command than CNN. In Iraq today a suicide bomber killed 70 people and we're still debating whether or not Iraq is heading for civil war.
So, should Iran have a regime change enforced on it/be bombed back to the stone age or should America be coaxed into acting more like a leader than a gung ho vigilante interested only in securing its own economic stability at any human/social cost ?
And is our own countries prime minister just a mouthpiece for US foreign policy or is he being hoodwinked or are these his own ideas ?
My own worthless personal opinion is that America and Iran are the same as Israel/Palestine, gung ho fundamentalist rabblerousers are in control of both and things are probably going to get a lot worse before they get better unless people can start behaving themselves like human beings should, in an ideal world, to each other
In other news, I was watching the 'race for the White House' blurbs in America. On one side there's Hilary Clinton. For the Republicans some muppet was throwing his hat in the ring on a Pro Life/Cuts in Public Spending/Tax Cuts For the Obscenely Wealthy ticket
pps, people in America were gobsmacked when I told them Tony Blair was the leader of our equivalent of the Democrat party, they assumed he was the leader of the equivalent of the Republicans