Secret Santa Help - *ROB CRICH KEEP OUT*
Just in case he's sneaking around. Don't want him knowing who I'm buying for.
ANYWAY, its tradition that me and my house mates draw secret santa lots and buy one member of the household £10 worth of Christmas gift. The rules are it can't be CD/DVD based, and there's usually a slightly tongue in cheek element to it.
SO, I am getting my Liverpool supporting cooking-freak housemate a Spice Rack (he's got a shelf full of jars of stuff, and it'd tidy the place up a litte) with various jars of herbs which I'm going to doctor to represent Liverpool players of historical merit.
HOWEVER, I'm stuck. So far I have:
Ronnie Rosenthyme
which is shit. But thats the point of the post. You do better. They HAVE to have been Liverpool players at some stage in their career. Help!