Help me make a decision please-
Should I move in with my best friend who lives down the road?
As those of you who read my thread may be aware one of my housemates keep stealing all my food. Also they just constantly watch shitty soaps and im a bit excluded cos im cool. The other housemate is fun when she is drunk but i've noticed just recently she's bloody grumpy alot of the time and can be really curt and short with me. The housemate that steals my food is one of those 'Hey hun! im so nice but really im a it of a bitch blah blah' types. I want to live in a happy, friendly atmosphere.
Pros: -I will be living with my best friend
-I will be living with Christian who is a fucking dude and lovely.
-I'll be living with two guys so will feel safer in this 'hood.
-Also with two guys I have guys opinion on things all the time, which is quite nice
-The rent is £72 a week which is £8 less than here
-The atmosphere in the house is so much nicer, everyone is much more reasonale and nice people.
-Its a house rather than a two storey flat which i have to climb up two flights of piss smelling stairs
-Have to find someone to take my room
(which may be hard as another flatmate we had moved out and still hasnt found anyone to move in and I do not want to be paying rent on two houses)
-When I was staying there before I found here, everynight some stupid twats would be really loud outside at like 3am whereas its quieter here
-Closer to the shops here (by about 4 minutes)
-Will make it less like ooh! Cheryls coming for dinner! (thats the best friend)
erm. i cant think of anymore right now. thanks for reading.
thoughts please!