Anti-Racism Now and 30 Years Ago
This is going to be an odd post I think.
When I was at school racism was keenly attacked and stamped upon. Essentally the message was, of course, that we're all the same deep down. And this kind of worked, but at the same time I think we always got the idea that everyone would be the same...but, y'know, British?
Obviously this is actually a fairly patronising view and also somewhat racist in itself, isn't it?
These days I get the impression there's a great realisation that people have their own culture and you need to respect it. But that's also sort of at odds with everyone 'integrating' to make a happy multi-racial country. It clearly irritates the fuck out of large sections of 'good honest white British people'...and probably others.
I don't know exactly what my point is, but I think sometimes that our parents generation (presuming you have 'liberal' parents like mine) probably think racism will have ceased when everyone's British regardless of their colour, whereas clearly there has to be something different.
I'm going to post this even though I actually think it's probably badly worded and means nothing. NOTHING.