self deprecation/insecurity and the indie lifestyle
hello hello.
Right, quite often on here, subjects come up about looks/self-image, success with the opposite sex, memories of school etc etc, and I'm often aware that the majority of people on here are very self-deprecating (perhaps for effect, but far more likely because they believe it).
People are always saying 'oh, I'm the most unattractive person liek EVER' and 'I hated school because I was a loser' and stuff, and it makes me a bit uncomfortable, because 1) I know a lot of you and I don't believe it (although I'm not arguing that you don't) and 2)because I don't feel this way about myself, and weirdly, it makes me feel a bit left out.
So, what I wanted to know is: do you genuinely have a poor self image, or do you get caught up in waves of everyone being self deprecating? Are people who listen to indie stuff 'outsiders' who flock together and mope? Do other 'social groups' get like this, or are, say, football forums full of people saying 'I'm well hott, me'? Am I making sense?
I'm not saying that I'm super hott or anything, I'm just saying that the majority of the time, I'm pretty happy with how I look and who I am, and I always have been. I also find confidence (not arrogance) one of the most attractive traits in the opposite sex.
So, um, yes. Wut? Thoughts?