Films on Planes
So I was depressed to not see 'Snakes on a Plane' in the list of films I could choose to my flights. Personal screens rule, though.
But discussions showed that we'd all gone out of our way to pick films we expected to be awful, rather than see 'good shit' on a tiny screen, fucked around with for planes. So I watched the following:
The Da Vinci Code - shit (worse than the book and so slow).
Cars - actually fairly good but Pixar's worst by far, maybe.
Poseidon - not as shit as The Perfect Storm but still very shit.
Nacho Libre - actually shit but I still found myself laughing at people hurting other people. I felt bad about this.
National Security - not too bad in fact. I thought Martin Lawrence had lost it after Bad Boys, too.
Click - NEVER see this, even in the hope it'll send you to sleep on an aircraft. UTTER UTTER shit.
The Devil Wears Prada - well made shit but still shit.
Alchemy - low budget fairly cheesy slushy romance stuff. Not Shit, I suppose but not actually remotely engaging.
Oh and I watched Runaway Jury again which is in that special category of 'Grisham' and that had the desired effect of sending me to sleep in the middle.