Advances in modern genetics
Wouldn't it be great if sometime soon the big brains of the world could genetically modify DNA so that when you're born - or even better when you get to the age of 31 and are pissed off and grumpy with a cold, they're able to filter out of your sound and vision all of the things you don't want to see. Right now, I don't want to see wankers. Not the physical type; that would make my day much more amusing.
Seriously though, I sometimes wonder if I have a bunch of them tattooed onto my eyeballs because I seem to be surrounded by them from 8am to 6pm every single weekday.
All we'd have to do is fatten ourselves up so that if when we bumped into them, it wouldn't hurt so much, and life would be ooooh so good. And perhaps learn braille in the event that we HAVE to communicate with them.
This is my wish for the day. Thank you for listening.