I need somewhere to live!
Like my very own cross, I may carry to my deathbed the seething resentment I felt towards my former flatmates when they decided to terminate our contract just before Christmas last year.
After riding out a 12 month contract in a shitty flatshare I am now doomed to try and find another room at what appears to be the worst time of year possible.
So, first things first, does anybody have, or know anybody with, a spare room in East London, preferably around the Whitechapel/Bethnal Green/Shoreditch/Dalston type axis which will be free before/around Christmas (or at a push, new year)?
This room must effectively house a man such as myself, a man to whose general quality and upstandingness a number of DiSsers will warmly attest. Quite possibly below.
Kthanxhello x