An exciting 7 days
In Brainloveworld, at least.
Today - we distribute the Applicants/Mouths 7" - club members should be getting it this morning! Due to a fuck up at the plant, labels are on the wrong sides - we found out after we sent them out. So these club member ones are like collectors items or something...
Friday - PWL / Apps / Junkplanet in Bolton. THE NORTH! yeah.
Saturday night - BRNLV CLB! PWL (with me, Alcxxk and Napoleon IIIrd guesting), Napoleon IIIrd debuting new songs from his forthcoming album (early 2007), Junkplanet (on first at 8pm so come early if you wanna see us!), Revolution 74 (ace indie-pop picked out by PWL) and finally the fierce and wonderful Cock 'n' Bull Kid. And Ommm / Miss AMP / Vicky FREE / Bamos in a four way DJ tag-team extravaganza...
Sunday - PWL video shoot.
Next Monday - Brainlove Records instore at Puregroove on Holloway Road - PWL / Applicants (unplugged!!) and Open Mouths - free, and starts at 6pm...
THEN (after a few drinks in Holloway no doubt) PWL does a John Kennedy session live on Xfm, with me and Alcxxk backing again, at 11pm.
Fuck! That's a lot of stuff.