Siblings- who has the evillest?
The dart thread gave me inspiration for this thread.
I have 2 older brothers an older sister and a little sister. I have had my fair share of getting beaten up and psycologicaly damaged.
When my oldest brother used to babysit me, if I started to piss him off, he'd lock me in the back garden with no entertainment for hours.
My big sister Holly used to tell me that I was adopted and my real mum was in prison for killing my dad, she also tricked me into eating bath salts and once she pee-d on me in the bath :(
My little sister wrote 'Gabriella poo' on the wall cos she thought it would get me into trouble.
I can't remember anything Alistair did right now except the dragging around the house incident. We used to play wrestling tho, with characters and everything!!! I had a nemesis! :D
So, how many siblings does everyone else? Any funny/cruel/sick anecdotes to share? Do tell. Its good to talk and all that......