This thread sucks
Top 10 things! OMG! I love lists!!!!! (I've excluded mrs thewarn from the list, FYI)
1. Listening to a song and hearing a moment of true genius, when you seem, just for a microsecond, to be IN THE PRESCENCE OF GOD! Yeah.
2. Snowboarding
3. The wilderness. When you are (or seem to be) the only person around for miles, and the only noises you can hear are the wind and your own heart beating.
4. Playing guitar in a band. Live. On stage. THE FEAR!
5. Cycling down a hill REALLY fast, with the wind hitting your face so hard the tears come rolling down your cheeks.
6. Watching movies ON YOUR OWN
7. The five minutes after you've finised the last sentence of an amazing book, and you're like 'OMG! OMGZZ!'
8. Crunchy peanut butter sandwiches, on white bread. With FAR too much peanut butter in them, oozing out the side.
9. The moment of relief/euphoria when you realise you've just avoided being run over.
10. Lauging so hard you can't breathe, and you have tears rolling down your cheeks.