Lunch with Prole: Soap Operas
Now ok, come on, we all like to pretend we spend all our 'leeezure' time (that was for gunner's benefit) translating Fathers & Sons by Turgenev or debating 19th centruy foreign policy using ancient Magyar folk songs, or just wanking in a vain attempt to stop yourself from crying but really REALLY we all LOVE SOAPS, dont we?
Let's face it we have all been 'drawn' into some such plotline or developed an 'interest' in a character, whether lovable, hideous or sexually unavailable, but for some reason if I started talking for about 346 threads about Alf Robert's second wife you'd all think I was a bit plebby wouldn't you? And if Gay4ConorOberst for example started following in earnest the latest Emmerdale spin off you'd think "Not even worthy to clean the floors of Pizza Hut. Or marry someone who does" -
So, is it 'intellecual snobbery' on one hand or 'cool and trashy and I watch them with my gay friends' on the other, OR are some of them just really well acted and written? Well? I haven't got all lunchtime.
For me Coronation Street has always been the above. And you know what, I was reading 'America' by Kafka on the tube though I'll go home tonight and watch Most Haunted and erm....Corrie. Like, go 'figure'