LwP: Talking 'bout 'my' generation
ok OK OKAY! I think this might have been yacked on about before (hi Guntrip!) but I was reading the other day some dreadful lazy demographic thing about 'generations' and each one had a ghastly name and a list of celebs for each age - ie. 15-28 Peaches Geldof, 28-45 David Cameron, 45-65 Helen Mirran etc etc.
Anyway for my section (Dave Cameron is MY MY MY! generation)it said that 'we' have/tolerate ipods, but have to ask our 'cooler' young cousins or kids about how to use them. Oh for jesus and mary chain's sake please put your face onto some hot coals please.
My concern was how these silly things separate ages and never the twain shall meet, which depresses me into ground by about 4 inches everytime I read stuff like this. I find people/styles/oh just things in general from all ages either interesting, amazing, lovable, fun, silly or just downright repellant and never feel the need to act like 'we're just a different demographic'.
I know its good for markting but please please please PLEASE, a 76 year old can work an ipod if they want to, the same way a 14 year old might want to listen to 7 inch vinyl exclusivly with Top Rank livery on and no no no NO! why should some cunt in the media my age be someone I want to look up to or aspire/identify to/with -
Drop dead 98% of London media for writing such shite.