Prostitutes touting their wares...
right. last night i went to a gig with a mate. we were sitting on a sofa by the bar when we noticed a, well, prostitute hanging around the bar.
we decided she was one as she was on her own, wearing a tight skinny black dress, and massive clear plastic wedge heel things with red plastic straps. and was drinking a bottle of wine (one glass). any man that walked by she eyed up, and asked the man next to her 'hi there, are you ok'
anyway, so we went into the venue bit (hoxton bar & grill) and she turned up in there too. we saw her grinding against some 'poor' indie kids lap, then when the band were setting up she sat in front of one of their amps, with her legs up. she insisted on making the band drink her 'wine'.
during their first song she writhed around where she was sitting, attempting to look provocative.
then, she finished the wine. and smashed the bottle on the side of the stage.
then got up and walked out, with every single male eye following her.
she also looked like the bastard child of alicia duvall and michael jackson.
this incident did make my night, but made me feel sad also.... :(