Music Tech. question to do with soundcards
I've just purchased an M-audio audiophile soundcard:
Its for my girlfriend's computer, im basically trying to set up a full midi/audio recording system for her. I installed cubase and reason without any problems.
What leads do i need to go out of this card into speakers, i've only ever used jack to jack before. and how would i plug a microphone into this soundcard to record, the manual doesn't explain it very well?
I bought her a M-audio keystation 49E midi controller as well which at the moment is connected via USB. I've downloaded all the drivers for the keyboad and the sound card but the computer still thinks the keyboard is an AUDIO device and not MIDI device, so Cubase and Reason dont recognise it. I installed it on my computer and it recognised it as a midi device but not on hers, any ideas?
I would ring m-audio but im at work all day and they dont open at the weekends.
Thank you!